A Timeless Tribute:

Still Alive and the

Roots of Hip-Hop

Still Alive x Molotow x Kolly Gallery

Hip Hop 50 - New York Hip-Hop Musicians featured on 50 New York City Subway Maps - Painted by Still Alive

On the occasion of the Group Show at the Kolly Gallery in Zurich, where I had the opportunity to exhibit 44 New York City Subway Maps, I decided to publish a book with 50 New York City Subway Maps in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Hip-Hop. For the book, I created additional maps that were not featured in the exhibition, including well-known figures like Kurtis Blow, the Beastie Boys, and DMX.

The book not only features the 50 finished maps but also provides insights into the creative process and includes sketches.

Still Alive - Hip Hop 50 Book

Softcover, 19 x 26 cm,

120 Pages, Text: English.

Hip Hop 50 - New York Hip-Hop Musicians featured on 50 New York City Subway Maps - Painted by Still Alive

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Subway Maps